Re: [CR] Small French rear JOS light at $1000 on ebay...."hobby"

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 05:05:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Chris Kulczycki" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Small French rear JOS light at $1000 on ebay...."hobby"
In-Reply-To: <>

What we may be ignoring here is the amazing discrepancy of wealth that exists today. Just as a third world goat herder may be amazed that someone would spend more than $50 on a bike, so too are we amazed that someone would spend $1000 on a bike light. But If we were one of the world's, say 100,000, wealthiest people, that light would cost just couch change. Consider that in this example a big new Lexus automobile would cost the equivalent of $100 (if prices were reduced rather than wealth increased on the same scale).

The political reasons and moral implications of this are best left to another forum. But suffice to say that many of us who consider ourselves well-off, are the equivalent of goat herds when viewed through the scale of wealth distribution.

On the other hand, perhaps they are freebasing.


> No Matt, it's beyond disease catagory... these guys are into the
> freebasing. Just say no!
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, CA

Chris Kulczycki
Velo Orange
109 Colonial Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401