I think they are "gaul" stones.
Richard Cielec Chicago, Illinois; U.S.A.
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:19:52 -0700 From: Subject: [CR]re:re:Strange findings inside Ray's Rene Hearse - possible elaborate prank / sabotage ?
Dear Ray et al,
Ray Homiski recently posted about finding an unusual large amount of steel shot-blasting powder, etc. inside his vintage Herse.
" . . . To my surprise I saw inside the BB shell between the two bearing cartridges a load of what I can only describe as tiny metal spheres the size of poppy seeds. I mean there was a bunch of them in there. It was packed with them. I carefully removed the one side cartridge and brushed them into a plastic bag. I then tapped out the other bearing and brushed out more. I then took a flashlight and saw even more packed in the chainstays, seat tube and downtube. I took a wooden dowel and pushed from the top of the seat tube and out came more spheres and a wad of brown crepe paper. My guess is that the paper was used to prevent them from going up the seat tube. I then explored the downtube from inside the BB and found another wad of the same paper that I also removed. Like the last one it was clean at the top but dirty as it prevented these spheres from traveling up the tube. . . "
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
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