[CR]RE: Respray costs

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:28:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: "simon bird" <simonandonandon@yahoo.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]RE: Respray costs

dale brown wrote; In my opinion, nothing Socialist about your comments, just your observation of societal patterns & class structures (which in turn might feed socialism, but have nothing to do with espousing same ...or not!

i actually meant that comment as a bit of a tongue in cheek snide directed at an earlier post. it seems that often any (perceived) criticism of US policy/society is put down with the blanket pejorative of "socialist" or anti-american. to quote billy bragg "i see no shame in putting my name to socialism's cause" however, if pressed i'm more of a syndicalist. :-) just thopught i should set the record straight, this has nothing to do with bicycles.

dale brown also wrote; I agree that in the UK and Europe in general, the bicycle trade is most often practiced as a more or less blue collar, "tradesman" endeavor... and in the States we tend to elevate those craftsmen to artist and epicurean status.

Just a cultural difference and simply the way it is.

absolutely, -interesting none the less. and i've seen the same thing in many manual trades that i've been envolved in over there, from barn building to cabinet making to -beleive it or not- venetian stucco. cycling(not solely for transport) is also a more 'middle class' pass-time/sport in the US than here, a bit like soccer. american soccer will probably never take off unless the hard boys from the 'hoods start playing it with the intensity that background can provide.

simon bird peckham london england

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