Re: [CR]Update on 2007 Cirque du Cyclisme

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 17:42:27 -0500 (CDT)
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Update on 2007 Cirque du Cyclisme

Dale, Do you mean the Cirque with attendees coming from 4 different countries and 22 different states? With 105 sign-ups for the Saturday night banquet what is the maximum capacity/cutoff? I see that the home state of North Carolina has the lead with 13 attendees, Virginia with 12 and California with 11. England gets a very honorable mention with 5 attendees.

California has been blessed with a defector from New York... one Gian Pergolizzi. He has taken to wearing shorts, flip flops and flower print shirts, plays a guitar and most importantly just passed the California Accent exam. He can now successfully and on demand pronounce water as water and not wuter, you as you instead of youze, Long Island as Long Island instead of Lon Giland. He now goes by the name of Moondoggie-Pergs. As Cirque Auctioneer he has been given special dispensation to revert to Newyourkese for the duration of all Cirque time spent east of the Mississippi.

Matt 'Almost born in New Jersey' Gorski Belmont Shore, CA USA

>Date: 2007/04/17 Tue PM 04:43:21 CDT
>Subject: [CR]Update on 2007 Cirque du Cyclisme
> I hestitate to constantly send out notices about the Cirque as I realize only a percentage of the CR list membership will be attending, but it is important to pay attention now IF you do intend to join us this year...
> I am quite pleased at the early sign ups to date. In fact, the Banquet, once again, is in danger of filling up already. Please take a moment to scan the "who's coming" page and see how many folks are already on board:
> I have finalized all the details in the daily schedule and have confirmed locations, etc. I am thankful that we will once again have the smae large space in which to conduct the Charity auction and the following days' Seminars. As those of you who were here last year know, that space became of sort of the Cirque social center and crossroads, offering many previews to Sunday's Bike Show...
> Of course, there is no need to preregister for the Sunday event. There are already 32 swap meet spaces booked so the "big room" is certainly full but much more space is available in the building so there is no crisis (yet! Ha!)
> I do foresee Ken Toda's wonderful photo studio services being fully used. That is a great opportunity to have fully professional shots made of your bikes (and at bargain rates.) Be sure to seek Ken out immediately that weekend and reserve a spot.
> All in all, this is going to be one heck of a humdinger event! Looking forward to seeing all of you in just a few weeks!
> Dale
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA