So that's where the sister to my PX-10 went! I think it's the next serial no. in fact. I believe it's 1962 not 1963. If it's the frame I think it is.
Happily, mine led a kindler, gentler life:
This also brings to fore the reality of what we often find bemusing: the prediliction (oh why not just call it pathological obsession and be honest!) of certain Japanese collectors to lay claim to any and all French components of this era. I don't care to know why. Or how. And I know all about the fairness of our capitalist system, etc. etc. But the consequences are pretty obvious: no normal person of reasonable means can afford to outfit a bare French racing frame c. 1938-1966. It also explains why we mostly seem to concentrate on British and Italian marques. Maybe not out of preference. But because it's a bit saner and more sensible!
Peter Kohler
Washington DC USA