--- nelson miller <nelsmiller@msn.com> wrote:
> Group---- I just won the auction of a pair of WAS pedals from
> Peter Paine. In his description of them, he mentioned that
> the pedal spindles were marked S and D.. Since I have
> complete command of the French language and remembered that
> the word for either left or right began with a D--- , I asked
> him if they were perhaps French threaded? Voila! They were
> indeed French Threaded. However, he also had a pair of
> Campag pedals on auction, and they were also stamped S and D,
> and were 9/16" thread. Does anybody know what the S and D
> designation is on pedal spindles? (I understand S and M)
> Cheers and Thanks--- Nelson Miller // Seattle // USA
Nelson, Those are Italian markings for Destra and Sinistra; i.e. Right and Left. French would be Droite and Gauche. Cheers, Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
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