[CR]RE: Clearcoated Masi

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: Dan Rogers <drogers@epsinc.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 11:52:53 -0800
Organization: Electric Power Systems, Inc.
Thread-Index: Acd1YIAZLMdV+EskTqOE99LAoJztpA==
Subject: [CR]RE: Clearcoated Masi

With regard to the clear coated Masi for sale on e-bay:

http://ebay.com/<blah> http://ebay.com/<blah %3AIT&viewitem=&item=150108091456&rd=1&rd=1> &ih=005&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=150108091456&rd=1&rd=1

I am the owner of the bike. I'll try and answer the questions raised so far, at least to the best of my abilities, and maybe shed some of my own light on this very interesting bike as well.

I actually worked at a shop in Anchorage (Fairweather Sports) as a "apprentice" mechanic, then mechanic from 1975-(about 1982), on and off, going to school, etc. In '76, the owners (Tom and Jack Keene) brought "my" Masi home from the show, along with another black one. Both were gorgeous bikes. I bought the clear coated one (frame and fork only) from the shop, picked up a Campy Record Group a later and built it up. I raced it for a few years, then it pretty much sat in the basement until now, with an occasional dusting off and teardown/rebuild, when I was feeling particularly nostalgic.

Brian Baylis' comment re. sandblasting - I don't "know" that it was sandblasted, but that is what I was told by the guys who attended the show and brought it back. I'm sure it was also finished by had sanding, but am unsure what process/processes Masi Carlsbad used at this time. Others, Brian specifically included, may be able to shed some light on this.

Bob Hovey's Bicentennial Commemoration - this comment, like the above, was what I was told (as an impressionable 16 year old!). The comment isn't relative to the Masi America decaling on the seat tube, just part of the lore of the bike, as passed on to me by the shop owners and my employers at the time.

Regarding the longevity of the clear coat, I have heard the same comments, but this one is in pretty good shape. Why? No idea, but inside, conditioned storage, minimal mileage, little sun (remember, this is Alaska). Hey, maybe I'll try my Clement Criteriums (not on this bike) and see if they still hold air! LOL

If you guy's have anymore information, or have questions that I may be able to answer (remember, I've had the bike for 30+ years, so it's been with me a while - - but most of my info was work of mouth at the time, and I was young and impressionable at the time), feel free to ask. BTW - I'm old and impressionable now!

Dan Rogers Anchorage, AK

Archive-URL: http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=classicrendezvous.10704.0025. eml From: "Bob Hovey" <bobhoveyga(AT)aol.com> Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 15:36:55 -0400 Subject: [CR]Clearcoated Masi <http://search.bikelist.org/query.asp?SearchString=%22Clearcoated+Masi%22&Se archPrefix=%40msgsubject&SortBy=MsgDate%5Ba%5D>

There was at least one other clearcoated Masi done about the same time, sinc e repainted and now part of the Rydjor collection (#0141, the one on eBay is #0343).


Original listing at Rydjor:


As Brian said, these clearcoated bikes usually don't last long. I wonder if the sandblasted finish Brian mentions may be the reason this one is still i ntact... seems like it'd give the surface better adhesion. What do you thin k, Brian?

I am curious about the seller's comments that the bike was built to commemor ate the Bicentennial. The date is certainly in the ballpark, but I wonder i f the seller makes this assertion because of reliable information, or on the basis of the stars and stripes seat tube bands... I've heard the Bicentenni al thing before because of these bands, it is a common (incorrect) assumptio n.

Bob Hovey Columbus, GA

Archive-URL: http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=classicrendezv ous.10704.0022.eml From: "brianbaylis@juno.com" <brianbaylis(AT)juno.com> Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 19:17:07 GMT Subject: Re: [CR]Clearcoated Masi?


Interesting bike. Every so often builders will do a clearcoated bike

for the show. There is one. Too bad it's sandblasted as opposed to

hand sanded like would normally be done. I'm surprised it has lasted

this long with just clear over steel. Generally it goes south, unless

done with clear powdercoat or special musical instrument lacquer,

which I know this one wasn't.

Let's see what happens to this one.......

BTW, there was a Masi Dealer bike shop in Anchorage; I suspect it was

originally purchased through the dealer. Possibly Ted K. will have the

records for that bike. Since I'm planning a visit to Ted soon, maybe I

can check it out. Need the serial number.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA


Dan Rogers

Electric Power Systems, Inc.

(907) 646-5121

(907) 522-1182 (Fax)