Here's mine:
Sorry about the ugly flash pics. FWIW Ken Denny thought the bolt predates the frame- probably '70.
Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA USA
On 5/18/07, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote:
> I've had a couple of generous offers of original bolts to use a patterns,
> but now I'm wondering if there were variations in the old style bolts
> themselves. From memory, as I haven't seen it in over two years, the
> original bolt that was lost by the restorer had an unusually tall nut,
> probably at least twice as tall as an ordinary hex nut of the same
> diameter. That is, there was much more area for wrench purchase than with
> an ordinary hex nut. Yet some of the photos on the CR site and one photo of
> one a CR member offered to loan look like pretty ordinary hex nuts, that is
> it was only the bolt piece that looked "special". Does anyone else have an
> old non-allen Cinelli or Windsor seatbolt with a tall nut like mine? Maybe
> this was only a Windsor thing and didn't appear on actual Cinellis. Or
> maybe my memory is just faulty.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX