Re: AW: [CR]Very interesting 50's Cinelli and time lines

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

In-Reply-To: <000001c79bb9$31078560$0758a8c0@Twinhead>
References: <000001c79bb9$31078560$0758a8c0@Twinhead>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 18:46:08 -0700
To: "Schmid" <>, "'Dr. Paul J.Wilson'" <>, "'Ken Wallace'" <>, "'CR'" <>
From: "Dr. Paul J.Wilson" <>
Subject: Re: AW: [CR]Very interesting 50's Cinelli and time lines

Hi Michael, Your response was helpful, objectively toward dating, as well as sentimental ly. Thanks, Paul J. Wilson Cell (408) 395-2020, Temecula, California>>(951) 587-3632, San Jose, California 95124, USA>>(408) 377-1710

At 5:03 PM +0200 5-21-07, Schmid wrote:
>This is one of the coolest Cinellis I have seen so far. As far as my
>judgement goes it should be a B-Model which is indicated by the flat
>fork-crown. The dating is really difficult but the Altenburger gruppo
>says early fifties. My B-model has the older lugs (pointed) but no oil
>port hole and simplex dropouts. So now I am completely confused about
>the age. I just admired the hubs with the unique altenburger logo cut
>into the flanges. Red anodising seems to be their trademark. Datewise it
>just tells us - You can not date them correctly, Cinelli used whatever
>was around. I still hope a listmember will get it so we can see some
>more and better pictures.
>Michael Schmid
>Tel.: +49 8821 798790
>Fax.:+49 8821 798791
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>[] Im Auftrag von Dr. Paul
>Gesendet: Montag, 21. Mai 2007 16:15
>An: Ken Wallace; CR
>Betreff: [CR]Very interesting 50's Cinelli and time lines
>Hi Ken, Steven & CR,
>I've come to realize that lots of this Cinelli history cannot always
>be traced to an exact time line. Nonetheless, some history can be
>traced, and I am not knowledgeable enough to know which is which. And
>so, the Cinelli we talk about here has no pointed head lugs, yet
>alleges that it is a 50's bike. About what time line did pointed head
>lugs occur.?
>Were non-pointed head lugs available to be used on 50's frames?
>Also about what time line did drilling of fork stiffeners and lugs
>Finally, the fork of this Cinelli is not sloping, what are time lines
>concerning Cinelli fork designs?
>Comments from all appreciated.
>Paul J. Wilson
>Cell (408) 395-2020, Temecula, California>>(951) 587-3632,
>San Jose, California 95124>>(408) 377-1710,
>At 5:54 AM -0700 5-21-07, Ken Wallace wrote:
>>It's nearly identical to my silver 1964 Cinelli, except mine does
>>not have the colored Altenburger components and has Sheffield pedals.
>>Ken Wallace, Proprietor
>>Bisbee Bicycle Brothel
>>63-B Brewery Ave.
>>PO Box 1194
>>Bisbee, AZ 85603
>>(520) 236-4855 (cell)
>> (email)
>>On May 20, 2007, at 9:35 PM, The Maaslands wrote:
>>>For those of you who have become fixated with Cinelli and believe that
>>>you have understood something about serial numbers or other build
>>>characteristics that can assure a particular build date or period, I
>>>believe this bike will blow all of your preconceptions away:
>>>On this Cinelli, which I believe to be a variant of the 'B' it becomes
>>>absolutely certain that Cinelli did not build 'catalog' stock bikes,
>>>but rather was amenable to build everything to order. So you might as
>>>well stop trying to use today's logic to second guess the year of
>>>production of a given frame by serial number, or even build specifics.
>>>With less than 1000 frames being built in any given year, Cinelli
>>>would have been able to build every bike differently.
>>>By the way, I am presently the high bidder on this bike but expect to
>>>quickly be outbid.
>>>Steven Maasland
>>>Moorestown, NJ
>Paul J. Wilson
>Cell (408) 395-2020, Temecula, California>>(951) 587-3632,
>San Jose, California 95124>>(408) 377-1710,
>Fax: (408) 377-1710 After prompting by "outgoing message",
>press *51, and then hit your "send fax" button.

-- Paul J. Wilson Cell (408) 395-2020, Temecula, California>>(951) 587-3632, San Jose, California 95124>>(408) 377-1710, Fax: (408) 377-1710 After prompting by "outgoing message", press *51, and then hit your "send fax" button.
