Re: [CR] Big THANKS to Sterling & Regina Peters!! San Diego BBQ Party Vintage Ride

(Example: Humor)

From: <"">
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 00:24:38 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR] Big THANKS to Sterling & Regina Peters!! San Diego BBQ Party Vintage Ride

Matty and all,

As always, Sterling and Regina put their hearts and souls into making

sure all of us had a good ride, a good time, and good food. We had a

great bunch of guys and gals and the weather was not too hot nor too

cold. But the Bratwerst was hot and juicey and the beer was icy cold.

I got to ride my recently acquired '79 Bruce Gordon (repainted and

newly decked out) for the first time and she rode GREAT! Just need a

little longer stem as the final detail. The bike Chuck Slesinger was

riding was a "Cereza", spanish for cherry. It is a bike I built for a

fruitarian friend of mine back in about 1977, and a one-of-a-kind.

Still all original in dark periwinkle blue with NR parts. This bike is

one of my earliest all Baylis built and painted frames. Built at home

while I was working for Masi, Carlsbad in the mid 70's. Still

in "cherry" condition. No one actually noticed the bike or realized

what it was on account of the name on the down tube.

Thanks from all of us to Sterling and Regina. It's always a pleasure

to party at their 1911 Craftsman home. It's such a beauty and a great

place to be entertained. Love that house! Also a special thanks to

Matty for distributing some special prizes to the local framebuilders.

We have such great friends and we enjoy their company EVERY time we

get together. I've been off the bike for a while, and yet I not only

survived the ride, I felt pretty good for an old guy who doesn't get

much time on the bike these days. Something must be wrong.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Love Jim's Rolls-Royce, but nearly equally impressed with Pergs newly

acquired '63 ragtop VW Beetle. Nice score, dude!

-- wrote:

Kind Vintage Bicycle Folk, This last Sunday was Sterling Peters ride & BBQ held at his home in

San Diego. A large turnout (25+) of Vintage Bike Guys and Girls... The morning started with Davis and Chuck meeting at my home for the

convoy south 105 miles. Got there about 9:30 am and the place was a buzz of activity. Before I noticed the dozens of doughnuts,

coffee and juice I saw Brian Baylis writing a check and several

tubular tyres in his grip and then saw the tubular tyres Sterling had

for sale...NOS Vittoria CX's, a few Continental Comps and a lone

Dugast. Needless to say the rest went home with me as well as the

Mavic GEL 280 tubular rim the Dugast was mounted on... to go with a

solo 280 I had at home. THEN the doughnuts came into view..... having

to elbow in to survey the selection. After all had coffee and the

belly-busters we convened in front for the start. Gian 'the fixer'

Pergolizzi and Steady Eddy were already doing slow ovals on the street

as folks got ready. The temp was just right for the leisurely ride up

to Balboa Park and then through Hillcrest, Mission Hills, Old Town,

Loma Portal, Fleetridge and then up to Point Loma. The climb up PT Loma is about 4 miles of steady go. We regrouped at the top, Pergolizzi and I tag teamed a tubular tyre change in nothing flat and then we were off for the face

splitting downhill on North Harbor Drive (?) and then wending our way back to Sterling and Regina's home via Sea Port Village, thru the

Gas Lamp Quarter and back up to Golden Hill.

The participants (as many as I can remember) in no particular order. There we're a few other local SD riders I didn't know-Sorry....


Regina Peters / Marinoni Sterling Peters / Mercian Fixed Wheel Brian Baylis / Bruce Gordon Carlos Martel / El Maldoror Chuck Schmidt / Dave Moulton Davis Jansen / Condor Steady(formerly Fast) Eddy / Eddy Merckx Peter Bruggeman / Bates(?) Ken Robb / Kirk Chuck Schlessinger / Casnave(?) Tony Bohorquez / Cinelli SC Charles (& Carmen) Andrews / Jack Taylor Tandem Tim Turnage / Eddy Merckx Rob and Christine O'Callahan / Co-Motion Tandem Randy & Julie Dugan / San Rensho & Schwinn Matt Gorski / Alex Singer Gian Pergolizzi / Frejus Fixed Wheel ??? / Blue Paramount Omar & Marta Firestone / Peugeot & ? ??? / Flite 800 ??? / Very tall silver '?'

A grand time was had by all. Pergolizzi did a Campagnolo factoid away lots of cool cycling bits. Lunch was great and a few wives and girlfriends joined for that led by Sally P! The time flew by too fast and after a visit by many to see Jim's Rolls Royce P1 across the street we started our journey's back home. Another GREAT

ride and BBQ for the books!

Matt Gorski
Belmont Shore,
California USA