[CR]FA: Urgent Plea!! Adopt these bikes!!

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 10:02:28 -0500 (CDT)
From: <bikenut@verizon.net>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]FA: Urgent Plea!! Adopt these bikes!!

Folks, The time has come to thin the herd so I have many bicycles and frames offered FA to suit many sizes and fancies. Please ask questions and if a CR list member should win an auction I will massage the price or shipping depending on the bicycle. With all of the Motobecane Addicts out there I'm shocked this lighted shop sigh hasn't garnered more attention.

Motobecane http://tinyurl.com/2mxq97

Each of the bikes and frames have a story and I'm sad to see them go. Some have been with me a loooong time!! Give them good homes and ride them well!! I'm listing bikes under 2 different ID's so please check them both...some of the frames are close to the one day remaining mark! Some of the proceeds will be sponsoring my Cirque adventure (maybe Pebbele Beach too) so bid now, bid early and bid often!! (forgive unabashed plea!)


Auctions for Raleigh Pro, Competition, Jack Taylor Tandem and Super Tourist, Colnago Superissimo & Master, Rigi, Gios Torino, Schwinn Paramount, Super Mondia, Medici, RIH, Austro-Daimler, Schwinn Continental w/ Suicide Shifter, Ephgrave and on....


Alex Singer, Gilles Berthoud, FH Scott, Carridice Hobbs of Barbican (Help-is this a pre-war Continental??)

Matthew Gorski
Belmont Shore
California USA