[CR]Re: Was: Adopt these bikes!. Now: Campy shifter thingamajig...

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 13:02:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: <bikenut@verizon.net>
To: oroboyz@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org, bikenut@verizon.net
Subject: [CR]Re: Was: Adopt these bikes!. Now: Campy shifter thingamajig...

Dale, I've wondered as well...could be the mythical Elefantino shifter? I bought this Jack Taylor on a business trip to Denver back around 1995... I was in a training class....I got the yellow pages at lunchtime (this was before the WWW boy and girls) and picked the closest bicycle shop with obvious mojo and hoofed it 2 or so miles. Hoofing it meaning I was wearing laceup wingtips and a suit (another relic of ancient history) The shop was American Cyclery (of Denver) I made nice with the owner and found the used bikes. There were several but this rang my bell. He held it for me while I went to the bank the next day...ATM weren't yet on every corner yet. I walked or rode to his shop 3or 4 times that week. By the end he gave me a Simplex Competition, a Tour de France and a few other olde goodies to take home with it....(I had been coincidently in the basement of American Cyclery just a few months before rummaging for old stuff on yet another business trip just before Bradley bought the place.) I don't think I got to run wild in that Denver basement but there were treasures. Luckily he packed and shipped the JT for me...even gave me and the bike a ride to my hotel the day I was heading home....it was snowing after all~

Anyway~ about that shifter I have only seen 1 or 2 others.... Ray Etherton or Martin Coopland had some at one point..and maybe the fine gents at Via bikes in Philly as well. It's worth the price just for the odd shifter and the story of the "Business Trip Taylor" ! I used to ride it all the time but it's a hair tall for me and I, after buying that first Jack Taylor, have bought and sold dozens since. I have a half dozen Taylors left.

Sorry for the long story/short answer! See ya'll at the Cirque!

Matty Gorski Belmont Shore, CA USA

>From: oroboyz@aol.com
>Date: 2007/05/30 Wed PM 12:27:50 CDT
>To: bikenut@verizon.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>Subject: Was: Adopt these bikes!. Now: Campy shifter thingamajig...
> Wow, Matti you have some neato cool stuff there at auction..
>Hey, I thought I had seen everything but on your (really nice) Jack Taylor touring bike, I see this:
>What's the story on that plate on the RH shifter? After market or Campagnolo made? What for?
>Dale Brown
>Greensboro, North Carolina USA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: bikenut@verizon.net
>To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>Sent: Wed, 30 May 2007 11:02 am
>Subject: [CR]FA: Urgent Plea!! Adopt these bikes!!
>The time has come to thin the herd so I have many bicycles and
>frames offered FA to suit many sizes and fancies. Please ask
>questions and if a CR list member should win an auction I will
>massage the price or shipping depending on the bicycle. With all of the
>Motobecane Addicts out there I'm shocked this lighted shop sigh
>hasn't garnered more attention.
>Motobecane http://tinyurl.com/2mxq97
>Each of the bikes and frames have a story and I'm sad to see them go. Some have
>been with me a loooong time!! Give them good homes and ride them well!! I'm
>listing bikes under 2 different ID's so please check them both...some of the
>frames are close to the one
>day remaining mark! Some of the proceeds will be sponsoring my Cirque adventure
>(maybe Pebbele Beach too) so bid now, bid early
>and bid often!! (forgive unabashed plea!)
>Auctions for Raleigh Pro, Competition, Jack Taylor Tandem and
>Super Tourist, Colnago Superissimo & Master, Rigi, Gios Torino,
>Schwinn Paramount, Super Mondia, Medici, RIH, Austro-Daimler,
>Schwinn Continental w/ Suicide Shifter, Ephgrave and on....
>Alex Singer, Gilles Berthoud, FH Scott, Carridice
>Hobbs of Barbican (Help-is this a pre-war Continental??)
>Matthew Gorski
>Belmont Shore
>California USA