Re: [CR]Re: Is this an old Cinelli road frame or what?

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

In-Reply-To: <>
From: "brian blum" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Is this an old Cinelli road frame or what?
Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 17:35:03 -0700

I agree with Kurt, the dropouts look like they were changed out. Looks similar to my 1968 SC in construction but lacks the green chromovelato paint. Sorry Dale. Now why did I sell that bike????? Who has it is it Nels? I know it went to Seattle. Brian Blum in Berkeley

>From: "Kurt Sperry" <>
>To: "Tam Pham" <>
>CC: Jay Sexton <>,
>Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Is this an old Cinelli road frame or what?
>Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 13:57:40 -0700
>I agree about the DO joins looking very unCinelli-ish. I've never seen a
>Cinelli with such ugly junctions before. Classic Cinellis are generally
>really fine in this respect, surely those DOs were hamfistedly added later
>for whatever reason. The frameset overall looks very mid-60s to my eyes.
>Kurt Sperry
>Bellingham WA
>On 5/3/07, Tam Pham <> wrote:
>>IMHO, it looks like the original dropouts might have been hacked off and
>>"retrofitted" with another set of dropouts... Unless the 50's SCs just
>>weren't built with aesthetics in mind. These dropout/stays junctions
>>don't look very attractive to me: