[CR]More about chrome Schwinn World Voyageurs

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

References: <1136153.1178502159634.JavaMail.root@wmvirt9>
To: kerk@fuse.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 22:44:15 -0400
In-Reply-To: <1136153.1178502159634.JavaMail.root@wmvirt9>
From: <oroboyz@aol.com>
Subject: [CR]More about chrome Schwinn World Voyageurs

Only made one year? Really? Seemed longet but ...

<< I\u2019ve never seen one with the paint stripped off like on the link Dale supplied. I didn\u2019t think the chrome would look that good if th e paint was all stripped off. I have another orange frame that has all th ed ecals worn off, I may have to try that myself. >>

That frame is for sale BTW. See CDO's used bike page...

Re: the full chrome lurking 'neath that fragile paint. "How good it looks" d epends upon the viewer... It isn't full on, show polished chrome by any mean s... But they can look pretty good with some TLC.

I had one of these years ago that I commuted on. It ended it's life being ri dden by moi full blast into the rear of a Pinto (automobile!) as I fiddled w ith the front brake, not looking up in time. My shoulder still aches now and then from that smack!

Dale Brown cycles de ORO, Inc. 1410 Mill Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 USA 336.274.5959 http://www.cyclesdeoro.com http://www.classicrendezvous.com -----Original Message----- From: kerk@fuse.net To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Sent: Sun, 6 May 2007 9:42 PM Subject: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur

Tim, Welcome to the club. I have 3 Voyageurs, one of each color made. Blue, Or ange and Yellow. The orange bike I bought brand new in '74. The others I acquired between then and now. The bikes were a one year run made in Japa n, most likely by Panasonic. The original RD is the Shimano Crane. I have no idea how many miles I have on my orange bike but it still rides like ne w.

The frame is all chrome under the paint and the paint has a tendency to chi p. Also the seat posts have a tendency to get stuck if not greased. The f ollowing link has the owner\u2019s manual online thanks to Bob Hufford.


I\u2019ve never seen one with the paint stripped off like on the link Da le supplied. I didn\u2019t think the chrome would look that good if the paint was all stripped off. I have another orange frame that has all the decals worn off, I may have to try that myself.

Rick Kerkhoff
Cincinnati, Oh usa