Re: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur

(Example: Books)

From: "Ed Braley" <>
To: <>, <>, <>
References: <1136153.1178502159634.JavaMail.root@wmvirt9> <001c01c79097$187aa220$> <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur
Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 20:30:02 -0400

I don't know what term to use to describe bikes like mine. What looks appealing and cool to some people might be appalling to someone else. I guess it's a style thing, and that can be interpreted differently depending on one's orientation. I know that many folks like to keep things correct, or at least period correct. And that's probably the right approach for valuable or rare bikes, like early those Masi, Confente, or similar artisan bicycles.

But I think that run of the mill production bikes should be ridden and enjoyed, and if blending parts makes that happen, I'm all for it. I certainly like my "whatchamacallit" bikes, at least I do now... Who knows, I might rebuild them later and they'll be different again! And once a machine has been modified from stock, who knows where it'll end up? Fixed gear, single speed, townie rig? Junk? Some might say that it's all down-hill from stock ;-) And that could be true in some cases. I no longer posses most of the original parts for that World Voyager, and it was completely stock when I bought it. Is that a shame? To a collector, perhaps it is. But so many bikes just end up trashed that I believe giving them a new make-over is good because it's keeping them in service, especially the production-level bikes.

What to call them? I don't know. But I've done some of my more creative stuff with 650B conversions, like this World Voyager. Assembling something that's different, functional and visually harmonious is a creative outlet that I really enjoy.

And I get to ride them, too!

Ed Braley
Falmouth, Maine.

----- Original Message -----

<> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 11:59 AM Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur

> Hey Ed:
> There needs to be a term to describe this kind of bike which blends vintage
> parts and modern parts in a unique blend and style. I find it very appealin
> g and great fun.
> We have kicked various terms around like Neo-Classic, Metro-Vintage, Style-
> Hybrid, etc.
> The off topic brakes are a hoot.
> Thanks for posting that and the new Flickr is awesome!
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:;
> Sent: Mon, 7 May 2007 7:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur
> Okay, with all this list chatter about the World Voyager I've decided to
> post a link to the pics of my way-off topic 650B converted World Voyager.
> There are some good detail photos of the frame that you can see in these
> photos.
> I suppose we can still chat about the frameset, even if the rest of the bike
> is off the CR meter, right?
> For you folks who haven't spent much time on Flickr, there's a feature that
> allows you to view photographs in their full image size. Just click on an
> individual photo, and look down on the menu list at the lower right side of
> the screen. Click on "see different sizes" and then pick the big one.
> Anyway, I bought the bike in original condition a few years ago and really
> didn't care for the handling with 27 inch wheels, or with the 700C setup
> that I installed later. But on the 650B wheels it's great! Truth be told, I
> don't think that there's anything special about a box-stock World Voyager,
> except that the early Dura Ace crank is rather nice. The rest of the kit was
> just ho-hum. But I liked the frame all right, and I'm a hot-rodder kind of
> bike guy, so the World Voyager got chopped and dropped ;-).
> Contact me offline, or on the 650B list, if you want to know about the
> specifics.
> Ed Braley
> Falmouth, ME
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 9:42 PM
> Subject: [CR]Re: Schwinn World Voyageur
> > Tim,
> > Welcome to the club. I have 3 Voyageurs, one of each color made. Blue,
> Or
> > ange and Yellow. The orange bike I bought brand new in '74. The others I
> > acquired between then and now. The bikes were a one year run made in
> Japa
> > n, most likely by Panasonic. The original RD is the Shimano Crane. I
> have
> > no idea how many miles I have on my orange bike but it still rides like
> ne
> > w.
> >
> > The frame is all chrome under the paint and the paint has a tendency to
> chi
> > p. Also the seat posts have a tendency to get stuck if not greased. The
> f
> > ollowing link has the owner\u2019s manual online thanks to Bob Hufford.
> >
> >
> >
> > I\u2019ve never seen one with the paint stripped off like on the link D
> a
> > le supplied. I didn\u2019t think the chrome would look that good if th
> e
> > paint was all stripped off. I have another orange frame that has all the
> > decals worn off, I may have to try that myself.
> >
> > Rick Kerkhoff
> > Cincinnati, Oh usa
> >
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