[CR]Re: ID of Campagnolo SR & C Record BB cups........

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 19:32:58 +1200
From: "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
In-Reply-To: <203681.68807.qm@web55913.mail.re3.yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR]Re: ID of Campagnolo SR & C Record BB cups........

Hi all, after going thru my collection of parts, and inc some just recieved cups, an easy way I can tell is that SR have "Brev. Inter" markings and C Record have "MADE IN ITALY". I am sure there are other markings that have been posted, but as far as the ones that I can eyeball myself I have made my comments. Many thanx for all the inputs........regards wayne davidson invers NZ........

on 27/4/07 1:31 AM, Tom Dalton at tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com wrote:

Two days ago Wayne in NZ asked if there is any way of distinguishing the on-topic Super Record (SR) bottom bracket cups from the off-topic C-Record (CR) cups. Based on what I have on the shelf, I was able to determine what follows.

The SR cup and the early CR cup are almost indistinguishable. Both are alloy cups with steel race inserts and are designed for use with 3/16" ball bearings. They are both polished and anodized and have a high luster. The markings are the only difference (in my examples) and these markings are only very slightly different. Both are marked "Brev. Inter. CAMPAGNOLO 1.370" x 24 T.P.I." The only differences being that the "Brev. Inter." is a tad bigger on one, one reads "T.P.I." while the other reads "t.p.i." and one is inexplicably marked 1".370 instead of as above (the inch mark is before the decimal instead of after the thousandths. I could go back and determine exactly which cup has which markings, or provide pics, if anyone cares, but this, even for me, is really getting a bit minute. In any event I suspect that this is not an SR vs. CR difference but a difference in date of manufacture. That is, I imagine that the last SR cup was probably identical to the first CR cup.

As for the really off-topic later CR cup, it was designed for 7/32" balls, the steel race was set deeper in the cup, the finish was much more satiny, and the cup read "Made in Italy Campagnolo" rather than "Brev. Inter. Campagnolo."

Tom Dalton

Bethlehem, PA, USA

Tom Dalton <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com> wrote:

Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:15:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Dalton <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com> Subject: ID of Campagnolo SR & C Record BB cups........ To: wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz, Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Hi all, is there an easy way of doing this? apart from mounting is one able to ID the difference between Campagnolo SR & C record bottom bracket cups, as they are both alloy........

regards wayne davidson Invers NZ, ANZAC

Wayne, I recall doing a side-by-side looksee and noting that the markings differ slightly. I'll check tonight as to what the actual diffs are. Also, C-rec came in two flavors. Old units had 3/16" balls, like SR, while the later ones used 7/32". For about the last two years, I've been meaning to check if the cups were changed, or if was only the spindle and balls. I'll let you know.

Tom Dalton