Re: [CR] Why no Quick Releases on Track bikes (veering further OT)

(Example: Production Builders)

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Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 22:51:51 -0400
To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>, Jerry Prigmore <>,
From: "Sheldon Brown" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Why no Quick Releases on Track bikes (veering further OT)

Jerry Moos wrote:
>I am sure he will correct me if I misquote him, but I believe
>Sheldon has often taken the position that all this talk about the
>tremendously higher forces on track bikes is a lot of foolishness, a
>combination of vodoo science and trackie macho egos. I don't agree
>with Sheldon on everything, but I agree on this.

My theory is that this prohibition actually predates the invention of the QR!

Before QRs, the tool-free alternative was wing nuts. Wing nuts could present a hazard to riders in a crash because of how they project. It is my belief that tracks instituted rules requiring plain nuts to prevent the use of wing nuts.

When the QR was invented, it was not allowed because plain nuts were required.

Galen Pewtherer wrote:
>I can only speak from the experience of trying to ride a fixed gear on
>the street with QR's (never tried it on the track); they slip, no
>matter hard you crank them down.

That has not been my experience. I wonder if you were using good quality skewers? There are an awful lot of junk skewers out there.

See my article on this topic:

Sheldon "Enclosed Cam" Brown +-------------------------------------------+ | Good judgment comes from experience, | | and experience comes from bad judgment. | | --Fred Brook | +-------------------------------------------+ --
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