I just watched this fabulous documentary on the 2003 TDF titled Hell On
Wheels (available from Netflix). A friend sent me a copy and I was just
mesmerized. Even though I am not particularly a racing fan, I have to say
this was probably the best pure cycling film I have seen. Great camera
work, human interest and plenty of excitement...a rider rocketing down a
mountain into either fog or cloud and perhaps a visibility of 40
yards...Lance powering up an impossibly steep mountain faster than I could
probably ride down it. Guys on top and guys injured and out of it...they
all have neat thoughts to share... Falls and sprints and strategy and great
scenery...the film seemed to have everything. Two hours of pure pleasure.
Maybe I'm the last one who hadn't seen it?
If you absolutely cannot get hold of a copy, drop me a line off list.
Tom Sanders
Lansing, Mi USA