Belleri, BF and Belri; was Re: [CR]Was Odd Mavic headset now "JPR"

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

From: "Charles T. Young" <>
To: <>
References: <> <053501c78c29$efc28940$562df604@oemcomputer> <> <05d401c78c3b$0caef460$562df604@oemcomputer>
Subject: Belleri, BF and Belri; was Re: [CR]Was Odd Mavic headset now "JPR"
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 21:52:32 -0400

Was BF definitely a separate entity from Belleri?

Examining the gold anodized bars fitted to my PX-10, the engravings state "Belleri" framed by laurels with "France" on a banner below on the right hand side of the bar (left when viewed from the front of the bike) and "BF" inside a double diamond on the left hand side with "Manufacture De Guidons St. Etienne France" within the nested diamonds.

I always thought BF was shorthand for Belleri Fabrique or something to that effect. The bars happen to be fitted to a gold anodized "Belri Course" stem.

So does Belleri = BF = Belri = one former or extant manufacturing concern in France?

Charlie Young
Honey Brook, PA

----- Original Message -----
From: henox
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Was Odd Mavic headset now "JPR"

> Subject: Re: [CR]Was Odd Mavic headset now "JPR"
>> Hey Hugh:
>> Interesting!
>> Maybe "BF" was yet another variation (Couild that have been Belleri?) or
>>similar because I distinctly recall that JPR advertised those in the early
> to >mid 1970s in French mags.
> BF was unrelated to Belleri.
> Many French small manufacturers were completely clueless as to how to
> maket
> their products and used manufacturer/wholesaler/distributors such as JPR
> (Routens) for their marketing and distribution.
> BTW, I imported JPR seatposts, pedals, bag supports, bag mounts, cycle
> stands, low rider racks, chain holders, seat lug bolts, chain whips, and
> QR
> mounted "torch" holders in addition to the headsets.
> Some pretty interesting stuff at the time. Blackburn sent a flunky over to
> snag a set of the low rider racks when he heard about them,


> Cheers,


> Hugh Enox

> La Honda, CA