ive got a little bit of info at:
i think dei frames for racing were in production from the 1890s through 1960s. most of the famous rider names (all up on the site) i know are from the 1930s era... mostly track riders, but a few roadmen...
At 10:28 +0200 05.10.2007, benjamin köhrich wrote:
>does anyone know the production period of the
>Dei racingframes. Was there anyone famous ridind
>a Dei in competition?
>Where in Iraly were they produced? Thank you for any information.
>Also: I put a nice "Bauer Weltmeister 1952"-Bicycle to Ebay. Have a look!
>Greetings, Ben
>benjamin köhrich
>grolmanstraße 27/28
>D - 10623 Berlin
>0049-(0) 30- 7814442
>0049-(0) 163-7814442
joel metz : magpie@blackbirdsf.org : http://www.blackbirdsf.org/
bike messengers worldwide : ifbma : http://www.messengers.org/
magpie messenger collective http://www.magpiemessenger.com/
portland, oregon
i know what innocence looks like - and it wasn't there,
after she got that bicycle...