Re: Re: [CR] Belleri, BF and Belri...

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 00:03:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CR] Belleri, BF and Belri...

Charlie, My recollection is that BF stood for something like Brivici Fratelli... which is Italian not French but seemed to be connected with (French) Belleri and is stamped on the Belleri bars. As an aside I have a set of Bellri Derailleurs somewhere in Aladdins cave!

MKM Gorski Belmont Shore, CA USA

>Was BF definitely a separate entity from Belleri?
>Examining the gold anodized bars fitted to my PX-10, the engravings state
>"Belleri" framed by laurels with "France" on a banner below on the right
>hand side of the bar (left when viewed from the front of the bike) and "BF"
>inside a double diamond on the left hand side with "Manufacture De Guidons
>St. Etienne France" within the nested diamonds.
>I always thought BF was shorthand for Belleri Fabrique or something to that
>effect. The bars happen to be fitted to a gold anodized "Belri Course" stem.
>So does Belleri = BF = Belri = one former or extant manufacturing concern in
>Charlie Young
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