RE: [CR]need freewheel removal advice

(Example: Books)

From: "Anthony Kinder" <>
To: "'Jay Sexton'" <>, "'Jerome & Elizabeth Moos'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]need freewheel removal advice
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 05:28:16 +0800
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: Ace7U7GetBAn4UeUTRioQ6LiJnlGwQACOm7Q

I must admit it is one of those things you will only ever do once and I was too embarrassed to ask the CR list. I somewhat comforted that there are several replies meaning we all learn from our mistakes.

My remedy was to have a two pieces of 2" thick timber with a hole drilled so that when put side by side, the hole could surround the hub.

I then nailed 1" nails into the spoke holes into the timber so that the hub was then bonded to the timber.

Place the timber in the vice and off you go.

I hope either the freewheel are worth it. It took me 2 hours.

Anthony Kinder Perth, Western Australia

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jay Sexton Sent: Sunday, 1 July 2007 4:17 AM To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos; Subject: [CR]need freewheel removal advice


Your sacrificial method works if the hub is still spoked into the rim, which mine is not. My question should have read, are there any suggested methods for securing the hub so that the freewheel can be removed?

Jay Sexton Sebastopol, CA

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> I'll be interested to hear the responses. I have an old early 60's
> Campy Record hubset intended for my Ephgrave No.1. But the rear has a
> freewheel but no rims. I wasn't the one who cut out the spokes, but
> that doesn't make it any easier to remove the FW.
> One extreme measure I assume will work, if one is willing to sacrifice
> the FW, is to remove the FW outer body and cogs, then clamp the FW
> base in a bench vice and turn the wheel. In fact I think I've done
> that myself in the case where the FW notches for the removal tool were
> so damaged that the removal tool would not work. This experiences
> illustrates why manufacturer changed to splined removers from notched.
> But it the case of the aforementioned Record hubset, it has a
> perfectly good regina Oro, which I am relectant to destroy.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, TX
> */Jay Sexton <>/* wrote:
> Well boys and girls, I just did something so incredibly idiotic I can
> only laugh at myself, in a sad sort of way. In the past I have been
> amazed when I have seen or heard of somebody doing this same exact
> thing. How dumb can you get, I remember thinking. After 40 plus
> years of working on bicycles I finally did it.
> Here goes, I'll just blurt it out.....I cut a hub out of a wheel
> before
> I took the freewheel off. There, I said it.
> Yup. Stupid, huh. Go ahead, laugh, get it over with......okay,
> done?? Now comes the advice part. Any suggestions on how to get the
> darn freewheel off without having to lace it into a hub again? For
> some reason I am not getting any hits when I do an archive search,
> so I
> turn to the collective wisdom.
> I have been riding and working on freehubs for so long that in my
> haste
> I forgot I was working on a freewheel hub.
> Thanks for any help or references.
> Jay stoooopid Sexton
> Sebastopol, CA
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