Re: [CR]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 17:29:42 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?

Sorry I'm late to hit the reply button Rich, but just in case...
>From what I understand ... there is essentially no vintage or KOF steel activity in Windsor.

Yes, Continental Bike in Hazel Park has about three vintage minded people, but there is next to nothing vintage about the offerings found on the floor. The same can be said for a couple of other shops I'll mention in a moment. If you go to Continental (the continuation of Mike Walden's Continental Schwinn), owners John H. and Randy both like old bikes (John a bit more), and ace employee David has a beautiful Montelatici that he rode in L'Eroica last year! There are a few nice things to see in the way back room, but it's not public. Perhaps if you are nice though...

At Kinetic Systems in Clarkston (a good jump out of Detroit), owner Jeff N. and ace employee Doug are somewhat into old bikes. Pino Morroni used to hang out there until his passing, and Jeff was close with him. There are a few nice things upstairs, but it is not public. Perhaps if you are VERY nice though... Jeff has some cool Pino bits stashed away, including the wheels Pino made with nuts on the spoke ends on either side of the rim to firmly hold them in place.

Anchor Bay Bikes in Anchor Bay has owner John T. who again is somewhat into old bikes. He used to work at the famous, now long closed Jake's Bikes, back in the day, and has a lot to tell. There are a few nice oldies hanging in his showroom, including a 60's Raleigh International and an 80s Colnago Super, among others. Again, this is a good jump out of Detroit.

The best place I can suggest though, which has not been mentioned by anyone and is IN Detroit proper, is Bike Tech, I believe on E. Warren (Avenue, or Road perhaps). Owner Brian is VERY much into VERY old Paramounts and other Schwinns. You can find in his showroom, at least three Paramounts from the 40s and 50s with wood rims, and beautiful finishes, among other Paramounts and World (Travelers or Sports, old, but I can't remember the model name). Brian really has a gorgeous Schwinn collection, is happy to show it off. If you can make only one stop, I strongly recommend his place to be the one. There is also a sweet Fuji steel track bike there that really made my mouth water.

Eric is kind below, in mentioning my basement, but it is no shop ... just a piling of stuff that is slowly going bye bye. You're very welcome to come visit, but be aware that my interest is mostly in Torpados ... and they dominate. Oh, there are a couple of nice Colnagos here too, and a few other bikes and frames, and a few unique parts. I'm holding onto an outstanding looking Weigle (pics to be posted to the list very soon) and a Motta too, both for a friend. Please email if you'd like to arrange a visit, or even a ride if you have time and if I can scrounge up a bike that fits you...

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI USA ~ ~ ~

Eric and Rich wrote, respectively: Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 22:59:03 -0400 From: "Eric Phillips" <> To: classic <> Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?

On 6/3/07, Rich Pinder <> wrote:
> This week I'll be traveling to Detroit for work (but sadly, not on to
> the Cirque..sigh... ), but I wondered if there are any shops I should
> stop by in the Detroit (or Windsor) area ??
> Thanks,
> Rich Pinder
> Van Nuys, CA

I can't think of any offhand. Unless you count Mark Agree's basement. :)

Eric Phillips Southfield, MI USA

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