Anyone know eBay seller mark720321? I received a Second Chance from him on a seatpost. Like many here I sort of assume most Second Chance offers are scams until proven otherwise.
Factors for being suspicious are:
Second Chance offers are always suspect.
The item is listed in Maryland, but the seller is registered in Sweden.
Feedback is 98.1% positive, not really that great.
Factors for believing it is legit:
The offer does show up in My Messages folder in My eBay.
The item, even with shipping is less than $50. Most Second Chance scams are aimed at more expensive items.
The Second Chance is implemented as an eBay Buy It Now auction. (Is that favorable?)
The 98.1% reflects one negative feedback, in which he was a buyer. Most feedbacks are for him as a seller. The one negative was in retaliation for him having left negative feedback.
Anyone know this seller or why the goods are in Maryland while he is in Sweden. Is he a list member perhaps?
Jerry Moos
Big Spring, TX