I have a Nagasawa Kirin bike with the serial #8208. Richie Sachs
dated it to 1982. Seems the first two numbers are the date. He also
looked at pics of the bike which seemed to confirm this assesment.
Remember, early ones have regular fork and rear drop out ends and not
the "plug" lugs (not sure the correct name is for this style).
Eddie Albert
Chappaqua, NY, U.S.A.
>>> "airart5@netzero.net" <airart5@netzero.net> 06/13/07 5:01 PM >>>
Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone out there knows if there is some sort of sequen ce to Nagasawa serial numbers. I am trying to date a Nagasawa which may be from the late 70s.
Mike Short,
Austin TX.