Dear bicycle Folks,I tried to identify this frame, but it's hard to compare
it with other bikes on wooljersey (for example)The original colour was gre
en/blau, they painted it red.Does anybody know the brand of this frame? It
came with campy nouvo record from 75, gnutti hubs and NIsi Tubular rims, A
nice Cinelli giro d'italiastuur, with a SR stem. The cranks and pedals are
from Shimano 600 type DX. The dropouts are campy(old type) A steel Ideale
seatpost was forced into the frame --> bastards!, the brakes are from wein
man.Well, it looks like a very interesting frame, there also a very strange
detail by the lower tube, a smallring is welded there, just above the shif
ters, what is it doing there?If anybody has an idea what kind of bike this
could be i would be very happy,thanxArno VolkersEindhovenlaan 3Den BoschThe
Netherlandsps: I'm gonna sell the Bianchi frame, if anybody is interested,
you can mail me at ( is included)