An old Raleigh turned up.
> Info
> below on how this works.
> I volunteer for a group called Trips for Kids. They
> provide mountain bike rides for kids as well as
> other
> social programs. They fund themselves by taking
> donated bikes, refurbishing them and selling them.
> Older style bikes are often sold "as is" and failing
> that, they are hauled away as scrap. Many of them
> are
> indeed scrap, but some are basically nice but not
> great old bikes. To try to save them, or their
> components, I'll be publishing photos of items for
> sale for CR members to review. Any proceeds are for
> TFK. This is just an extension of my volunteering.
> Every bike, or any of its components is $25 plus
> postage. If you want the whole bike, $25. If you
> want the brakes, $25. I'll strip and pack whatever
> people ask for. The flat rate means the more you
> take
> from a bike, the better the deal is, but of course,
> the more you take, the higher the postage is.
> I'll send more photo's on request, as well as
> answering any questions as best as I can.
> Everything
> is first come, first served. Once a bike has
> earned
> its $25, anything left will be free and the photo
> comments will be amended accordingly. Typically
> I'll
> keep the bikes out of the scrap heap for two weeks,
> then back they go.
> Trips for Kids info here
> Bike pics here
> Thx
> Jon Brownell
> Mill Valley, CA, USA
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