Re: [CR] Peugeot Mixte?

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 20:17:39 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] Peugeot Mixte?

Mark, I actually do get pulled over by cops, perhaps once each year. I live less than a mile from the local suburban police sub-station so I'm a somewhat familiar retro-flashback on two wheels. A couple of the younger cops enjoy checking out a new bike I may be riding which they have not seen before. Sometimes it's a bit embarrassing as motorists slow to check out who they have stopped, but always fun chatting with the cops anyway... and it makes me feel like I'm living in Mayberry, USA rather than in a sizeable city with all the usual modern crime. I must admit I do sometimes feel a bit like an itinerant preacher... of the Retro-Velo faith - which is not a bad thing.

Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, NM, USA writes:

Hey Bob,

That's a beautiful bike. At a beautiful price. But here's a cautionary tale. Last year I gave my old friend Al, an new/old mixte that I bought in the early seventies for my last former wife. (She never rode it.) Al is 84 years old and has Parkinson's. Balance problems have made it difficult for him to throw his leg over the saddle, but stepping through works for him. Here's the warning part. The first time Al rode the bike, he was stopped by a police officer. It seems someone had reported seeing an elderly man "fleeing the scene" riding an obviously stolen "girls bicycle."

Mark Fulton Redwood City California Republic

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