Cut off the remains of the guides, then finish with several grades of flat files. You can do a very clean job using these simple tools. Rodney Handsfield, Wichita, Kansas
> I have an old Peugeot PX-10 frame in absolutely discraceful condition that
> I want to powdercoat and fix up for incognito banging around town. The
> brak
> e cable guides are rusted beyond redemption and one is broken; I had
> envisi
> oned taking them off completely and using some NOS brake cable clamps I
> hav
> e lying around. My question is, would a handheld propane torch generate
> suf
> ficient heat to warm up the brazing to allow removal? The question sounds
> s
> tupid even as I ask it, but...any advice greatly appreciated.
> Tim Chauran
> Long Beach, CA
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