Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 10:44:59 AM, Edward wrote:
> Has anyone else on the list noticed the changes made to the Vintage
> category on Ebay. Now you have to hunt around for specific parts and,
> seemingly, can no longer troll the newly listed items to see if there is
> something of interest. Seems like a disaster to me adding huge amounts
> of time and energy to any search. I did a live chat with a rep earlier
> and indeed, it appears, that they have made changes. I think we need to
> register our anger at just another Ebay gaff.
I don't understand that. Are you talking about the "Sporting Goods > Cycling > Road Bikes & Parts > Parts & Accessories > Vintage Parts" category? If yes, selecting "Sort by: Time: newly listed" seems to work as usual... I'm sure I could be missing something though, could you explain?
Dmitry Yaitskov,
Toronto, Canada.