> I have six complete bikes, two I ride every week, three I ride when
> they make me feel guilty,
These bikes count.
> one bike on the wall,
Used as decor: Doesn't count.
> another bike in work
> (bare aluminum frame),
See decor comment above. And for the record, I gotta say, "Aluminum?"
> four extra complete wheelsets, three wheelsets
> awaiting assembly.
Parts needed to complete bikes you already have or soon will have
(i.e., $250 bid below) don't count.
> And today I bid $250 for another frameset.
Parts bought to complete bikes (or bikes to complete parts) don't count.
> Addiction? What addition?
Please consider yourself enabled.
Dan Kehew Davis (umm, near earthquake country, but not quite) California USA
PS: Parts or bikes bought intended to be gifts do not count, whether or not you actually end up giving them away.
PPS: Bikes bought or simply accepted from others that were just too good a bargain, and you intend to part them out to make money to spend on bikes, don't count either, whether or not you actually sell or keep the parts you take off.