I have ridden L'Eroica twice and have had considerable experience,
outside of the event, of riding on the Stada Blanca that makes this
event so unique. During both events I rode on Tufo file tread
cyclocross tubulars. I think about 25mm. They worked great especially
on the steep climbs and squirley descents. At other times I have ridden
on normal clement tubs with no problems at all, as long as one is
willing to let the bike run and not end up in a situation of locking up
the brakes on a switchback descent. This year I plan to use clinchers
for the first time and have not decided on exactly which ones but I do
not think anything over 25mm is necessary. If you do anything over the
75km ride, no matter what tire you have on you will probably end up
walking one or two of the very steep pitches. Usually the white roads
are not a problem. Once in awhile you encounter some deep gravely spots
and bad ruts where caution must prevail. Other than that your long
experience will serve you best. Re the paved sections. They are
generally fine although a bit slow at times. Nothing special needed
Best Regards,
Edward Albert, already preparing the '78 Milano Gran Criterium, in
Chappaqua, NY, USA
>>> hmsachs@verizon.net 07/31/07 9:52 PM >>>
I appreciate all the help from listers in helping me understand that I
do not want to try L'Eroica on a fixed gear, at my age or half my age.
Maybe even a third my age, when we could conquer everything.
But that does not end the technical issues:
I do not understand the nature of the unpaved surfaces (or for that matter, the paved surfaces). Esteemed Brethren and Sistern, is there a consensus on minimum tire width that is comfortable and steers well on these surfaces? Best choices? I have lots of great wheels for sew-ups, but no wide sew-ups. I have some candidate wired-ons, but some are 27" (presumed hard to get spares Over There, and we will be staying a bit and hopefully riding some), and some are straight rims, instead of hook beads, so they have fairly strong pressure limitations.
FWIW (too much) my weight ~190# = ~86 kilo.
Thanks in advance,
harvey sachs
mcLean va