RE: [CR]3rd Annual Interbike Koffee Klatch!

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "robert st.cyr" <>
To: Mark Ritz <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]3rd Annual Interbike Koffee Klatch!
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 14:32:15 -0700

Mark, I will be at the show, but only on Wednesday. Perhaps if some listers can o nly make one day or the other we could plan to get together on both days, o r meet for dinner.

Robert St.Cyr ASUCD Bike Barn Davis, Ca. USA> Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 13:18:42 -0700> From: ritzmon@sbcglo> To:> Subject: [CR]3rd Annual Interb ike Koffee Klatch!> > Hi folks,> > I will once again be hosting the Classic
   Rendezvous Koffee Klatch at my booth at Interbike this year. I haven't sch eduled it yet, but I am leaning heavily towards Thursday, the 27th, since i t's the middle day of the three day show. > > I'd like to get a head count as to who will be there and wants to get together at 8am on Thursday, Septe mber 27th, at booth #5031. We had a great turnout last year, and I look for ward to seeing many of your smiling faces again this year. > > By the way, with the absence of our Listmeister from the show, who's bringing the bagel s this year? > > Cheers,> Mark Ritz> Arcata, CA, USA> Kinetic Koffee Compan y>> Roasted for GearHeads - by GearHeads> > > --- St ripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/pla in (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ___________________________________