Nice bike. I think up till the early sixties most Vikings had the tour of Britain decal with the last win being 1959 (I think) which is on my Hosteller from that year. All the best. Julius Naim London UK
On 17 Aug 2007, at 03:02, wrote:
> sasha eysymontt wrote:
>> Picked this one up today... 1960ish (owner said 1960, but he
>> didn't seem
>> sure) Viking track bike of some stripe -- I believe a
>> Trackmaster. Brake is
>> a clamp on, bottom bracket has an oiler port, Reynolds 531.
>> Anyone with any information on this bike in particular -- guesses
>> as to the
>> era, or other thoughts on Viking -- I'd appreciate your post!
>> Photos (very poor) here:
>> I'll be posting better photos this weekend after I've had an
>> opportunity to
>> clean her up.
>> -s
> Nice find.
> The 1966 ad on this site
> Viking.htm
> says World Championship Winner .. 1963.
> vikingad3.jpg
> Therefore I would image the bike is 1963 or later, unless the decal
> was
> added later or it was refinished at some point.
> Marcus Coles
> London, Ontario, Canada.