Re: [CR]Was: Alan-carbon. Now: Mossberg

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:54:49 -0400
From: "James Swan" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Was: Alan-carbon. Now: Mossberg
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>

Hi Dale,

Yeah, there was a guy in my club named Ray Weigle (no relation - maybe different spelling?) who used to race on one at K-Town (AKA Kissena) in the early 80's. Man that thing was ugly!!! Consider yourself lucky for never having seen one : )

Jamie Swan Centerport Cycles Inc. Northport, N.Y. (mapped)

On Aug 20, 2007, at 8:39 AM, wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> << Mossberg ....(snip)...was actually the first carbon fiber
> bike to hit the market back in 1974. And while this is generally
> accepted
> to be the first bicycle of its type available for sale to the
> public at
> large >>
> Thinking back to that era, I saw the Mossberg ads but never a real
> bike. Act
> ually I don't even remember seeing those bikes at the NY or Fla
> bike shows e
> ither although they must have been on display! Being always the
> skeptic, I w
> onder how many of those actually made it onto the asphalt.
> Do any of us have a Mossberg carbon bike? Seen one in use with your
> very own
> eyes?
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R.S. Broderick <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:16 pm
> Subject: RE: [CR]History of Alan-carbon
> Gary,
> First off, I would concur with Chuck's caveat regarding PR-Department
> written corporate histories.
> With respect to U.S. offerings, Mossberg (...yes, the same Mossberg
> that is
> perhaps better known for its rifles - both Mossberg and Browning
> jumped into
> the "bike biz" during the 1970's boom) was actually the first
> carbon fiber
> bike to hit the market back in 1974. And while this is generally
> accepted
> to be the first bicycle of its type available for sale to the
> public at
> large, several other one-off or prototype examples actually
> preceded it
> (...Grafalloy Composite and A-C Cycleworks specifically, although I
> am not
> sure that either of these efforts made it into full scale
> production). As
> for the Graftek, it was initially only available to Cool Gear /
> Exxon team
> members (...John Howard, and brothers Wayne and Dale Stetina, among
> others)
> who promptly set about racking up many a win throughout the 1976
> racing
> season using their new "wunder-bike" (...including the 1976
> National Road
> Championship - a feat repeated in 1977). The Graftek G-1 frameset
> itself
> was not made available to the general public until August of 1976,
> a little
> over two years after the carbon fiber Mossberg had first hit the
> market.
> That said, I think that one would be accurate in stating that the
> Graftek
> G-1 was the first "commercially successful" carbon fiber bicycle to
> be sold
> stateside (...although I suppose that one could quibble over that word
> "successful", if only with respect to the total sales numbers
> achieved by
> this ultra-expensive for its time niche-market bike) inasmuch as the
> Mossberg offering was a sales flop by all accounts, due in no small
> part to
> the fact that the Snyder Manufacturing plant where it was built was
> destroyed by fire in 1975 and bicycle production thereafter was never
> resumed.
> Robert "Exxon Graftek G-1 owner" Broderick
> ...the "Frozen Flatlands" of South Dakota
> Sioux Falls, USA
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> --------------------------
>> From: "Gary Watts" <>
>> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>
>> Subject: [CR]History of Alan-carbon
>> Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 15:00:43 -0700
>> Mentioned is that Alan introduced the first commercial carbon
>> frame to the
>> public. Wasn't Graphtek the first as in mid 1970's?
>> Gary Watts
>> Vancouver, Washington
>> USA
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