[CR]Toe clips? :-)

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus:SLX)

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 19:10:05 -0400
From: "Harvey Sachs" <hmsachs@verizon.net>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Toe clips? :-)

Well last night I put some KKT Campy knock-off pedals and toe-clips on the commuter bike, and got out the old Detto Pietros with good, deep, cleats, and decided that I ought to practice with these neaderthal torture instruments before going to L'Eroica, for which they seem to be SOP.

It was an "interesting" experience. Got on the bike, reached down to get one foot in place when I got tired of playing spin-the-pedal, and started up. I was right pleased when the hand reached right down to the DT shifters. It remembered. Except that the commuter has bar-ends. Then I played "mash the toe-clip" on the other side. Somehow, with nearly new, slick-bottom Dettos, and with kick tabs on the pedals that can't be a quarter of the size they used to be, this is not fun.

but, everything worked well, mostly. I remembered to not tighten them too much, so I could bail - and even accidently pull out on a hill. Yup, did that. And the joys of clips in traffic in downtown DC.

I haven't had this much fun since the very last time I will ever ride with Cinelli M-71 Widow-maker clipless foot traps. That was a couple of years ago, but apparently I didn't learn.

Now, let's imagine that clipless pedals were invented before toe clips, maybe by some Swede who looked back and forth between his wood skiis and his bike, and had an idea. And things moved along and evolved, and then someone had the Brilliant Idea of Toe Clips. Other than marketing them as a way to scuff your Sunday shoes, this would have gone nowhere.

So, I'm not too proud to put clip pedals on bikes at Cirque for display, but I think I'll continue riding with (off-topic) pedals whenever possible. I think I'm too old to readapt to those odd things we used to ride. :-)

Just stirring the pot...

harvey "contrarian" sachs
McLean va