Don't worry about it,
Look at Richard Bryne's Speeplay website and his pedal / cleat collection
and you will see that they had clip in cleats at the turn of the century,
100 years ago, that is.
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates
>I suppose, like all things, it is a matter of personal preference, comfort,
>feeling of safety, riding style, etc. I could never quite get the cleats on
>my old shoes properly angled in order to relieve pressure on my knees -
>especially a problem when nailed on and worn down a bit. When cleated in
>and straps tightened there wasn't much play and after a soccer injury to my
>left knee I found that I needed a bit more float!. My knees - although not
>all that aged - therefore seem to respond better to clipless pedals (with
>the red LOOK cleats).
> For me it all comes down to riding my vintage bikes in discomfort or
> making a modern exception and enjoying my rides!! Putting clipless pedals
> on my vintage bikes - while perhaps heretical and maybe not as
> aesthetically pleasing - has meant that they are being ridden. I am back
> riding as much to improve my level of fitness as for the enjoyment of
> riding old steel. If I toured I might be tempted to put clips back on and
> use uncleated shoes.
> When it comes to my vintage bikes there are few exceptions I am willing to
> make (clipless is one and a wireless cyclo-computer is another). I take
> great pleasure in striving for period correctness in all other aspects of
> their componentry! I will never go as far as kitting them out with any
> other modern component. That having been said, I must admit to wearing
> modern padded shorts!!!
> On the point of the modern shoes, there are some out there which are not
> all that flashy - and yes, predominantly black ( I am thinking especially
> of the Adidas Super Pro Classic Road Shoes) - I too do not particularly
> like the NASCAR type of models. But, I do question whether walking on a
> pair of modern cleats is that much more ducklike than walking on older
> style cleats.
> Paul Williams,
> Ottawa, ON, Canada