Well I'm sure there is a Phil Wood that will work. But I'm not sure there was ever a Nouvo Record triple BB. The only Campy triple BB's from that era I have personally seen are Grand Sport with thin cups. Anyone know if there were NR triple BB's, or did the NR triple crank use a GS BB? Chuck?
BTW, I hve two Assenmachers from that same era. I think Matt is a very underrated builder.
Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX
Aldo Ross <aldoross4@siscom.net> wrote: (OK... I give-up on trying to find an original bottom bracket for Campy triple crankset)
Are there an off-topic modern bottom bracket which will work with an on-topic post-CPSC Campy Nuovo Record triple crankset with an on-topic 1984 Assenmacher (68mm wide shell)?
Thanks for any information.
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio, USA