Nice pictures! While scrolling through them i came across the 'Ric - Super'
from Dortmund, Germany (
What a remarkable resemblance in name, and style of decals / lettering, and
headbadge too, to the 60s RIH Sport! (The Ric seems a bit older though)
RIH is from Amsterdam, Holland of course, and I'm wondering if there's any connection. Only about 250 kms between the two cities. Or just a case of borrowed ideas?
Freek Faro Rotterdam Netherlands
2007/9/25, Rob O'Callaghan <>:
> This was the best VR we have attended. Great to meet some new folks and
> see all the regulars too.
> We uploaded Christines photos to
> Rob and Christine O'Callaghan
> Del Mar, CA, USA