For all the Singer for on the List I can offer...or at least put you in touvc with a fellow in France who has this Singer frame to sell.The frame i s unforunately only a 49.cms...groans from the tall guys on the List who think that maybe their wives, daughters or partners might natter at the m to buy it for that special occasion, or birthday or Christmas.
The seller is a very highly respected member of the French retro-bike co llecting community who from time to time sels a few tasty items on Ebay. I have bought quite a lot of stuff from him outside he has offered m e this one, but I already have enough frames for the it's ov er to the LIst.
He is asking 750 euros but may be open to bargaining. I know nothing els e about the frame..have not asked for jpegs...but he will send them to whom soever is interested.
If this Singer could be your next piece de resistance, please contact me off-List and I will give you the chaps email address.
NB If you reply to this email, please use my other address at, as the talk
Bye for now
Norris Lockley, Settle UK
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