.... many moons ago, someone on this list got a wheelset from Dale one late
December. included builtup Nisi gold rims and Dugast tubulers. i think
it went for 12 "dimes" then. price inflation is a wonderful thing ...
these are the same second generation hubs as those.
.... good luck and flush 'em out. this product deserves a little more
respect in the cycling world.
r clair
alex, va 22308
> Group--- I have put another batch of stuff on ebay again... under the
> ebay handle of -- seattlenelson -- some interesting things this time..
> Some Legnano items
> A wheelset with steel Simplex hubs
> NOS/NIB 1954 Huret rear derailleur
> Cinelli Bi-valent hubset
> thanks for looking and cheers
> Nelson Miller // Seattle, WA // USA