Re: [CR]KOF and Steve Loveless

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:29:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: "spiney norman" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]KOF and Steve Loveless
In-Reply-To: <>

some folks might blanch, but sl/sp tubes, nice lugs, cable guides and more modern ot parts can be a sweet combo. unfortunately, too, 130mm spacing is the standard now until something else comes along.

classic is cool too, but if you have a few on-topic, skinny-tubed frames, one with the hated ot ergo stuff could be fun also.

'spiney' norman neville spinning wheels for another year it seems in new haven, ct, yale, usa

--- Bianca Pratorius wrote:

> I don't where this idea got started that some
> builders are KOF and
> others are not. Correct me if I'm wrong but if the
> bike has sweet lugs,
> nice workmanship, quality steel tubing and a little
> loving attention to
> details then it's KOF whether it's an Eisentraut, an
> Eisenbahn or an
> Eis-a-brazen'-up-a-storm. My personal aversion to
> some KOF bikes comes
> when a threadless headset is employed or the rear
> dropouts are made
> wide enough to accomadate modern 130 mm hubs. As
> long as you're bucking
> the trend enough to request steel and lugs, why
> insist on a ten cog
> rear?
> Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA
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