Re: [CR]Maxi-car Hub Smoothness

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:01:19 -0400
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Maxi-car Hub Smoothness
In-reply-to: <>
To: <>, Eric Elman <>
Thread-topic: [CR]Maxi-car Hub Smoothness
Thread-index: AcgDYf4bPMcFEG9VEdytigAWy8lbaw==

Every now and then, I see Maxi-car rebuild kits on ebay.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ

On 9/29/07 11:04 PM, "" <> wrote:
> Definitely adjust the bearings. On a recent tandem purchase with Maxi-
> car hubs, the front hub was as smooth as I've felt any hub. The rear
> was rough. So I took apart (per the Bicycle Quarterly article) and
> discovered pitted races. Dang. Replacement parts are difficult to
> find. The bearings had obviously been too tight for quite a while.
> Better to adjust (and take apart if necessary) than risk making it
> worse.
> Drew Ellison
> Everett, Washington USA
> On Sep 29, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Eric Elman wrote:
>> I've recently purchased a late model, large flange NOS Maxi-car
>> rear hub and when turning the axle there is some roughness, i.e.
>> she is not smooth as one would expect. The seller, whose integrity
>> is NOT in question at all, has told me that while he would provide
>> a full refund if desired, has also added that this is typical due
>> to being NOS and of early 90's vintage (sitting for years) and that
>> after a short amount of use, the grease which has hardened just a
>> bit will loosen up and the hub will be as smooth as expected.
>> I'm not sure what to do and am looking to the list to see if others
>> have had any similar experiences and if using the hub will very
>> likely be fine.
>> Thanks in advance for your helpful advise.
>> Eric Elman
>> Somers, CT USA