AW: [CR]Carlton Raleigh gran sport on ebay...Levers

(Example: Humor)

From: "Schmid" <>
To: "'Don Wilson'" <>, <>
Subject: AW: [CR]Carlton Raleigh gran sport on ebay...Levers
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 09:34:33 +0200
In-Reply-To: <>

Don and List, I have one of these bikes in the exact same colour scheme and I have studied the catalogues of the time. Mine is a 1975 bike and it did not come with those levers but with white Carlton hoods. Also the stem shfters were not stock (according to the catalogues I have seen) so I suspect this bike was upgraded. Did you guys notice that one of the levers (the right one) has a different bend than the other one.... I just wonder whether the concae rims a re correct. The catalogues stated Weinmann rims but all the other models I have seen on the net did not have the concave rims.

Michael Schmid Oberammergau Germany Tel.: +49 8821 798790 Fax.:+49 8821 798791 mail:

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Don Wilson Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. September 2007 05:20 An: Betreff: Re: [CR]Carlton Raleigh gran sport on ebay...Levers

Amazing. It has those suicide brake levers and they look stock. Anyone recall if these bikes came stock with these brake levers, or was this an "upgrade?" :-)
Don Wilson
Los Olivos, CA USA

--- Phil Scott wrote:

> Carlton Raleigh gran sport on ebay 220146626698
> Phil Scott
> Clayton, Ohio
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