Re: [CR]Contributions of Mr. Lemond

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 16:28:39 -0600
Subject: Re: [CR]Contributions of Mr. Lemond
From: "Steven L. Sheffield" <>
To: Classic Rendezvous <>
Thread-Topic: [CR]Contributions of Mr. Lemond
Thread-Index: Acfs53GMsDsTIljaEdyKEAAKlZov+A==
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On 09/01/2007 03:54 PM, "Bianca Pratorius" <> wrote:
> For those that did not listen to the Lemond Interview on
>, I would like to simply state that Lemond has made
> quite a few contributions to the sport. Everyone here would instantly
> recognize the value of a first American win in the Tour De France or
> his pioneering businesses such as the cycle company or the new venture
> in indoor trainers (which are also superb for those who like this sort
> of thing), However, how many people know of his promotion and deep
> understanding of the varus wedge which corrects for a condition that
> 92% of all cyclists have? Once one understands the situation one can
> put a wedge under the off topic modern cleat or a wedge which
> accomplishes the same thing under the insole of an on topic cycling
> shoe. Either way one will achieve a more symetrical stroke with greater
> power delivery and faster cadence. For many like myself the
> transformation is not subtle.

LeMond takes credit for many things that he shouldn't ...

Using tri-bars in a major Tour? 7-Eleven did it first, earlier in the season.

Clipless pedals? Bernard Hinault was the one convinced by Look to try them first, not LeMond.

And varus wedges for cycling? Steve Hegg (1984 Olympic Gold Medalist) was the first big name to start using them, in their "BIG MEAT POWER WEDGE" days, long before they became known as the LeMond LeWedge.

But then, LeMond also claims to be a 6-time virtual Tour de France winner, since he says that he would have won in 1985 (if he hadn't have been held back by his team), 1987 (if he hadn't been shot) and 1988 (if he hadn't needed an emergency appendectomy).


Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
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