Re: [CR]Unusual Paramount (Ed Granger)

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 18:39:17 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Unusual Paramount (Ed Granger)

Quote: what do i know .... but i've seen that pin-striping theme on several 60's/70's paramounts. why would someone go to all that trouble, and then lug lining too. and what does nervex lugs have to do with anything. this could be the real deal. robert clair alexandria, va 22308

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60's Paramounts have Nervex lugs. That's what they have to do with anything. Except for the (later) ones that have Prugnat lugs. Those lugs are neither. No Paramounts use those dropouts. I'm quite familiar with that pinstriping scheme, since it's on my '61 Paramount P-11. On the original bikes, they're handpainted - I can't tell if they're handpainted on that bike or not, but I do know that Waterford has repro-ed those pinstripe decals. I'm betting those are decals. I have no idea why someone would go to the trouble to put those decals on and lug-line the bike. But I do know that's not the real deal.

Ed Granger Lancaster, PA, USA

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