Not wishing to appear to blow my own trumpet, but I can't let this oppor tunity pass.
Knowing the deep reverence in which Masi bikes are held by ma ny members of the List, I have to brag that I had one thing in common with "the Master", apart from building bike frames that is...and that is Excell tubing.
In the early to mid 80s I was the UK importer of this a tim e when M. Rezze ( I never knew his Christian name) was forming his associat ion with MASI, and was once invited to accompany Rezze on a visit to Masi's workshop. Unfortunately I never went.
Turning to this bike which is associated with Dante Rezze (RMO), it is c lear that the frame's tubing will be EXCELL.
It seems to be a little known fact that M Rezze did not make tubing but simply bought tubes in from a French manufacturer and rebranded them..the s ame tubes having already been used by one of France's "couturier" frame bui lders at an earlier date..and under a different name..
Rezze operated his business from his home..a large house in the leafy su burbs of Lyon..which had been divided into a number of apartments for membe rs of his extended family. During the course of several visits to see Rezze I never came across anything mildly approaching a store or warehouse....ju st a large low shed in the garden that doubled up as a garage, spray shop a nd cycle workshop.
But his EXCELL tubes were brilliant..
Norris Lockley, Settle UK
Norris Lockley
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