Re: [CR]Campagnolo track hub question

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 23:53:08 -0400
From: Marcus Coles <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo track hub question
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Fred Rednor wrote:
>> Are there different threads for the reverse-threaded ramp
>> on Campagnolo
>> track hubs? I ask because I have a Campagnolo rear track
>> hub, with a 64
>> date, and the Campagnolo lockring fits smoothly on the ramp
>> and screws in
>> easily, though its threading is not indicated. An English
>> threaded cog
>> screws onto the cog threads. When using the Campagnolo
>> lockring on another
>> track hub, one marked as having English threads, the lockring
>> fits loosely
>> and does not secure a cog. Using a different Engish threaded
>> lockring on
>> the Campagnolo hub, it begins to screw onto the ramp, but
>> then immediately
>> tightens. It probably could be screwed onto the hub, but it
>> would take
>> force to get it on the ramp close to the cog.
>> I am asking then what threads, aside from English,
>> did Campagnolo make track
>> hubs, and would it have been common to have the cog
>> threading one dimension and the ramp another?
> Tom,
> You might not believe this answer - because it will seem to
> run counter to the experience you've described - but as far as
> I know, what I'm about to write is true. If I'm mistaken, then
> perhaps someone will chime in and we'll both get some "higher
> education."
> OK - here goes: Campagnolo made track hubs with only one
> style of threading. The threads for the sprocket are the same
> as the threading for Italian threaded freewheels, i.e 35 mm x
> 24 tpi. This is close enough to British threading, and there
> is enough variance in manufacturing tolerances, that British
> (or ISO) threaded sprockets will fit on Campagnolo hubs and
> vice versa.
> The lockrings are another matter. British/ISO lockrings are
> 1.29" x 24 TPI and Campagnolo lockrings are 1.32" x 24 TPI.
> They don't interchange.
> For whatever it's worth, here's the story for French track
> stuff. The lock rings on French track hubs are 33mm x 1mm.
> Yet... the modern French track hubs use British/ISO threading
> for the sprocket. But, the sprockets for older French track
> hubs used the same threading as French freewheels. The trick
> is to know when a particular French manufacturer switched from
> "full French" threading to the "mixte" style. I don't.
> Best regards,
> Fred Rednor -Arlignton, Virginia (USA)
> To further add to the confusion: Didn't Campagnolo also make NJS compliant/approved components at some point in time?

Marcus Coles
London, Ontario, Canada