[CR]What came first, eBay or the List? Was: Caveat Emptor

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:36:32 +0200
From: "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
In-Reply-To: <28715876.1188792923840.JavaMail.root@fed1wml24.mgt.cox.net>
References: <28715876.1188792923840.JavaMail.root@fed1wml24.mgt.cox.net>
To: davidtaitano@cox.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]What came first, eBay or the List? Was: Caveat Emptor

It is interesting to see what happens when an unhappy eBay buyer and his seller on both on the list. I am sure this is not what Dale had intended the list to be: A bickering ground. This situation brings to mind a saying my mother always has handy:

If you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.

When I list any article on eBay I make sure to give a full description of it's virtues and vices, best accompanied by pictures; two words don't do it. With this I can avoid any problems sellers might have with misinterpretation. I don'\u2020 assume. I also know that sellers that are aware of faults like to paraphrase these to such a degree, that it is easy for them to weasel out when detected.

For example: I just bought a Gazelle on eBay. There was a very precise list of the parts on it, and a disclaimer that the tubulars might need to be changed. The picture was of the left hand side and small. When I arrived after one hour driving to pick it up, I noticed that it had impressive dent on the top tube; which effectively made the frame useless. The seller said: "Well, it's on the picture." I got my money back and left. At home I showed the picture to a bunch of people, and even knowing there was a dent, it couldn't be detected.

Good description, no assumption -> no hassle.

best, kim

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 21:15:23 -0700
> Von: davidtaitano@cox.net
> An: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Betreff: Re: [CR]Caveat Emptor-Ebay seller of Rene Herse Tandem
> If I thought anyone was going to be stupid enough to drink out of them i
> would have checked them for pin hole leaks and put that in the description.
> it's obvious to me he had second thoughts and wanted to renegotiate the
> deal. Mr Ting forgot to mention that instead of a full refund he offered to
> keep the Simplex cage and send back the bottles and i would still have to
> refund $122.50 and pay for the shipping of the bottles back. when i was
> listing this item I imagined the winning bidder was going to install them on an
> old bike for display. I doubt any of the other bidders would have threaten
> to bad mouth me all over town and report me to ebay, paypal etc to get their
> demands met. Ebay sellers beware of LEWIS TING!
> David Taitano JR
> San Diego, CALI, USA
> _______________________________________________

-- Kim Klakow

Diplom Grafik Designer Akimbo71@gmx.net +49172-1786481 Berlin - Germany

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