Hi CR folks, The Rene Herse Bicycles Inc. website has been updated. Folks might enjoy seeing a new Herse lug, as well as the Build Philosoply page we added. The site is http://www.renehersebicycles.com Right now we're focused on preparing bikes for the handmade show in February. Then a number of the machines will make their way to the Cirque in June. I'm quite pleased by the number of orders booked so far. And Lyli Desbois (Herse) was pleased as was I that some of those orders are specifically for PBP in 2011. After this year's weather challanges at PBP, it is quite likely that the notion of an integrated Brevet bike will make quite a bit of sense to those who were not previously aware of them. Mike Kone in Boulder CO - Rene Herse Bicycles Inc.